Snake Repellent And Other Ways To Keep Snakes
If you are like most household owners you must have
worried at some time or the other about how to get rid of
snakes. Maybe you also bought a bottle of snake repellent. And
you did right! Snakes belong to the reptile family. They are
slimy creatures that creep, having no legs. Some snakes like
the burrowing types are harmless while about 40% are venomous
to varying degrees (cobra and some vipers). Few are deadly like
the rattlesnakes, copperheads, cottonmouths and coral
Harmless or not, snakes
are repulsive and a source of fright to most people. If you see
one in your backyard, flower pots, by the poolside, and God
forbid, your kitchen or the bedroom, what you should do and
what you should not do are some of the issues we are going to
look at. If you cannot identify the species or do not know
whether it is venomous or not, don’t take any chances. Call a
professional who knows how to get rid of snakes.

Repelling snakes
What is now important is to find out how and why it came;
with a view to preventing a recurrence. Did it come after a
rodent like a mouse or did it come for any other food like what
is in your garbage collecting cans? Have you been keeping them
open inviting all kinds of pests home?
Many snake repellents can be used effectively to keep snakes
away, especially if you live in a snake prone area. Snakes have
a smell receptor called Jacobson’s organ which is extra sensory
in the perception of smells. The odor and the harsh taste the
repellent discharges almost anesthetizes the snake making it
lazy and weak causing it to make a hurried retreat before
things could become too hot for it.
Clean up the Mess
Snakes will not easily come to a house garden unless
for food, shelter or as a hiding place from a potential danger.
As some preventive snake repellent measures, clean all the mess
in your garden and make it orderly and fit more for human
habitation than for snakes. This will involve keeping the grass
short and regular tidying up and disposal of all garbage
collected without much delay. Keep all the garbage cans, other
cartons and recycling boxes etc. closed so that snakes will not
be attracted to them for food, shelter or
Recurring Snake Arrivals
If you are living in a highly snake prone location
with a problem of recurrent invasions from snakes, there are
snake collectors who would be more than glad to come and help
you free of charge by capturing the snake alive and removing
it. You may contact a local branch of a herpetological society
for advice and assistance. This is one good way if you’ve been
wondering how to get rid of blackheads.
Remove Snake Yourself
If you identify the snake species and are positive
that it is not a venomous type, and as long as you don’t feel
squeamish about it, it is rather simple to catch a snake alive
and release it elsewhere to a natural habitat far away from
residential and commercial areas.
Leave snake alone
If you are generally the lucky type, there is a small
probability that the snake you have got within your premises is
a black racer, in which case it is a blessing in disguise;
because it devours all kinds of venomous snakes! If it is a
black racer, you just let it be in your backyard without
allowing it to come too close for comfort. It’s a natural snake
repellent, after all!