Effective Flea Repellents
Fleas prove to be common problems for pet owners and
a flea repellent alone can ensure complete remedy from flea
problems. The word ‘Fleas’ encompasses a wide range of insects,
mostly without wings. Nevertheless, these insects have long
legs that help them cross and cover great distances. Make use
of any flea repellent to provide relief to your pets from flea
Simple and Effective Flea Repellents
Complete elimination of fleas could be a huge task. Yet,
flea repellents can bring down flea menace substantially. Make
use of any natural flea repellent to get rid of flea problems
of your pets. Such repellents

Mix essential oils, cedarwood, and lavender and shake the
mixture thoroughly. Spread this mixture over your pet’s skin.
It will prove to be an excellent flea repellent.
Citrus Repellent
Cut lemon into quarters and put into boiling water. Allow
mixture to stand overnight. This forms an effective flea
repellent. Next morning, use this citrus repellent as a spray
all over your pet, specifically around head, behind ears,
armpits, and at base of the tail.
Flea Collars
Make a mixture of tea tree oil, lavender, eucalyptus oil,
citronella, or geranium as a flea repellent and rub the mixture
on your dog’s collar. You could also make a rope collar or a
doggy bandanna. The aroma of these oils keeps away fleas.
Internal Flea Repellents
Include garlic in your pet’s diet. The smell of garlic
emanates from the skin’s pores and proves to be an effective
flea repellent. Natural apple cider vinegar makes your pet’s
skin acidic and prevents presence of fleas or ticks. Brewer’s
yeast tablets also help control fleas.
Borax and Salt
Make a mixture of four parts of Borax with one part of salt
to form a flea repellent and sprinkle it all over carpet and
other areas. This combination dehydrates fleas and its eggs and
disallows any re-hatching.
Essential Oil Bath
Give your pet a bath with an effective flea repellent made
of few drops of tea tree, herbal flea dip made from fresh
rosemary leaf, or lavender essential oils. This repellent can
provide immense relief to your pet from fleas.
External Flea Repellents
You can keep your home free of fleas by planting herbs
and bushes that prove to be effective flea repellents. Plant
Tansy herb around your pet’s enclosure to prevent any fleas.
Alternatively, put cedar chips on your fence to keep away
Soapy Water
If fleas are causing extensive problems within the house,
make use of a homemade flea repellent. Place a small pan of
soapy water in the middle of a room at night. Also, place a
small light or a candle near the pan. Fleas would be attracted
towards the light and would end up in the soapy water. Next
morning, flush off the soapy water.
This is a very effective external flea repellent. Fleas
require humidity for their survival. Dehumidifiers with
air-conditioning and vacuuming interrupt flea life cycle and
disrupt egg laying and hatching. Controlled environment can
reduce flea presence extensively.
Diatomaceous Earth
This is an effective flea repellent.
Additionally, it also gets rids of various other types of
insects and makes your home safe. Use simple home sprinklers
to spray Diatomaceous earth on furniture, around corners, on
carpets, and other common hideouts of fleas. This flea
repellent causes fleas to dehydrate and thereby kills