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How to Grow Your Own Herbal Repellents

For those people with a green thumb, you can grow your own herbal repellents. It’s a fantastic way to enjoy gardening while finding an organic use for repelling rodents. When rodent repellents are your main goal for your garden, make sure you focus on specific herbs that are most effective for the focus in which you have chosen.

    Repellent herbs

Repellent Herb Plants

Wormwood is an herb repellent for moths, intestinal worm, slugs, and flies.

If cats are a nuisance in your area, Rue can repel cats from its scent. It is also effective for fleas and the Japanese beetle.

This is a great herb repellent that can grow at the walkway of your house. It gets rid of the typical insect nuisance that plagues our homes. It is effective on mosquitoes, moths, cockroaches, flies ants, and mice. It is a great doorway plant to repel the insects that gather at the doors of our home from the bright lights. It can also be condensed and the liquid can be used as a spray. The spray can be used on insect bites to alleviate itchiness.

Lavender is a great smelling plant to repel flies and silverfish fleas. Lavender is often used in sachets that are left in clothing drawers. It is a great herb repellent to keep bugs out of our clothing or shoes that are not used often.

Mint is the perfect herb repellent to repel flies, fleas, mice, rats and ants. It is an organic method to repel ticks and chiggers as well. Rubbing mint on your pants and other clothing will protect a hiker from ticks latching on during his activity.

Cats love this herb for play and recreation, however it is the perfect herb repellent for mosquitoes. The next time your cat is finished with his catnip, apply it as an herbal repellent for insects.

Another great mosquito herb repellent. The component responsible in Lemongrass for its repellent properties is citronella contained in the skin of the plant.

Basil’s properties repel against mosquitoes and flies. It is a unique plant best grown next to outdoor eating areas such as picnic tables.

Sage deters a wide variety of insects. It is often hung outside in doorways, or hung in kitchen entrances to deter pesky insects during meals.

While growing these useful plants for herb repellents, it is common to grow them in areas where they will be effective during the growth phase. Make sure to properly water the plants and give them sufficient sunlight for proper nutrient growth.

If cats are an issue, keep the rue around the growing herbs to deter them from eating or chewing them for extra protection.

When harvesting the plants for herb repellents, they are usually dried and place into a container. For example, lavender is dried and contained into clothing drawers. Others dry the plants and hang them from entranceways such as kitchens or doorways. Make sure to properly research the uses for herb repellents before harvesting plants to create the most effective solution. 


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