How to Keep Your Neighbor’s Dogs Away with a Dog
Dogs love to dig and they love to explore.
Because of those two qualities, many people that own a home
find that their neighbors have dogs that will dig under fences
or jump over bushes in order to sniff, dig and mark the ground
and garden. Dogs are notorious mess makers, and they are
unforgiving when it comes to the beauty of your land, as they
will freely dig wherever they feel the
Even if you do not care about the state of your yard,
a dog’s curiosity can put it in a lot of danger, because if the
dog gets scared and is unable to find its way home, it can
easily get lost and run into streets, or attack those trying to
help it out of fear. Using a dog repellent in order to keep a
dog from entering your yard is as beneficial for the dog as it
is for you.

Types of Dog Repellent
Scented Dog Repellent
There are a number of organic dog repellents that
produce a strong odor. That odor is harmless to humans, often
smelling almost odorless. To dogs, however, the odor is foul
and dogs will try as hard as they can to get away from the
scent. If you spray this scent around your fence and garden,
you can easily stop the dogs from entering those
Liquid Fence
Liquid Fence is a specific type of repellent that is
available in stores and works to end bad behavior. If a dog has
been on your property before, there is a good chance it has
marked a specific area. Once that mark has been made, many dogs
feel as though it is there right to return to your property
whenever they like. Liquid Fence is placed over those areas so
that if the dog returns, it smells something other than its
mark, and it becomes hesitant to enter the property again
(fearing that the lack of its smell means there may be another
potentially dangerous animal on the property).
Ultrasonic Dog Repellents
There are a number of ultrasonic dog repellents that
emit a high frequency noise that humans cannot hear, but that
significantly bother the animal. These ultrasonic machines are
both the best and the worst dog repellents:
An ultrasonic dog repellent is not going to wear off
over time or after a rainy day like the liquid dog repellents.
It also covers a far greater area that most of the
If the noise can be heard by these dogs in areas that
they are allowed to go (such as your neighbor’s yard), the dog
is going to find the noise extremely irritating and either bark
constantly out of annoyance or start ignoring the noise
altogether if they feel they cannot get away from
Because of this, ultrasonic dog repellents are great
for people with large yards simply trying to keep dogs away
from their home, but not for those in dense city areas where
the noise can be heard by neighboring canines.
Using a Dog Repellent
By using a dog repellent, you can keep your neighbor’s
dogs away and protect yourself, your property, and the dog. It
is one of the most effective ways to keep dogs where they
belong – in their neighbor’s yard.