Pest Control with Electronic Repellents
Most repellents make use of toxic chemicals to get
rid of pests. If you want to avoid exposure to any toxic
elements, use electronic repellents as means of electronic pest
control. These electronic repellents can prove effective on
almost all types of pests and thereby ensure a safe environment
for you, your family, and pets. Devices offering electronic
pest control are gaining immense popularity.

Types of Electronic Repellents
There are various electronic pest control measures for
combating pest nuisances. You can make use of specific
electronic repellents to tackle problems caused by any category
of pests. Electronic pest control could be through
electromagnetic or ultrasonic devices. These pest repellents
make use of electromagnetic fields, high-pitched sounds beyond
audible range of humans, and similar features to evade pests.
These sounds and vibrations confuse pests and make them feel
uncomfortable. They therefore leave the place immediately.
Ultrasonic Electronic Repellents
Moles and rodents cause immense havoc in your garden. Make
use of electronic repellents like a sonic pest control device
in the ground. The high decibel noise would prove too much for
the rodents and they will evacuate immediately. Another way of
keeping away rodents and moles from your house is by creating
an electromagnetic field around your house. This system sends
shifting signals through the wiring system of your house and
provide effective electronic pest control.
Ultraviolet Bug Zappers
Another effective electronic pest control device is
Ultraviolet bug zappers. These zappers prove able electronic
repellents as they use ultraviolet rays to attract flying
insects within and kill them with high-voltage current.
Different zappers offer different levels of protection from
dust mites, bacteria, and other pests.
Subsonic Electronic Repellents
If you want to make use of electronic repellents to control
ants, use subsonic electronic pest control devices. These
devices produce low-pitched sounds that could be too low for
human audibility but prove extremely effective against ants.
These insects are unable to bear such sound vibrations and
therefore leave the area immediately.
Effectiveness of Electronic Pest Control
Most electronic pest control devices offer a safe
alternative to chemical sprays and pest repellents. These
electronic repellents are safe to use and prove extremely
environment-friendly. You do not have to inhale obnoxious fumes
of chemicals or deal with dead carcasses of rodents and other
Most electronic pest control devices are very effective
although often there are many doubts regarding their efficacy.
As these electronic repellents make use of high frequency
sounds and vibrations to ward off pests, sometimes pests get
used to these disturbances and yet remain in place. However,
you can overcome this deficiency of such repellents by making
regular changes in decibel levels or other magnetic vibrations
of repellents.
Although technological breakthroughs and advancements are
helping evolve various new and more effective electronic pest
control devices, yet there are few complaints against such
electronic repellents. Some complain about temporary
effectiveness of such repellents as rodents and other pests
come back after little time. Before making any purchase, it is
best to check if the product is available with a buy-back
guarantee. In that case, you can return the product if you do
not find it effective enough.
electronic pest control devices can cause harm to your pets
within the house. The electromagnetic waves or sound vibrations
used in electronic repellents could disturb your pets. These
waves and vibrations sometimes affect your telephone systems,
burglar alarms, and people using hearing aids. Therefore,
select proper and suitable electronic device to combat your
pest problem.