5 Safe Ways to Repel Cats
While cats
may make great pets, stray cats make inconsiderate and unwanted
house guests, making you wish you had a way to repel cats
efficiently and quickly. They get into gardens, leave droppings
on outdoor furniture, and hiss at those within a ten foot
Stray cats may be
the cutest unwanted visitors that have visited your home, you
still want a way to repel cats from your property, so that
you do not have to worry about stepping in their waste or
replanting plants in your garden.

Methods of
Deterring Cats
Unlike many methods
of removing other animals from your yard, which are limited to
a select few that irritate the cats enough to get them to leave
your property, there are actually a number of different types
of cat repellents as well as cat deterrents that have been
known to keep the cats away from your home.
One method of cat
repellent is known as a Scarecrow Water Spray. Cats despite
getting wet, so these water sprays repel cats by squirting
them with a high blast of water whenever they enter the spray’s
Scented Cat
Repellent (“Shake Away”)
Another way
to repel cats is with an organic powder that has the scent
of the urine of predators. These repellents are safe for humans
and plants, and by placing them in and around your house or
garden, cats remain frightened of entering your hard and choose
to travel elsewhere.
An interesting way
to repel cats is to find them a place off the property to
roost. One way to do this is to find a corner of a lawn far
away from your property and plant a catnip plant. This is a
useful way to remove cats that have already decided to make
your house their home, but only if you have an area you can
place that catnip that is far enough away from your property
that they will leave you alone.
Not all forms of
cat repellent need to be clever. Buy yourself a dog and let it
roam in the backyard and there is a good chance that the cats
will stay away. You may have to pick up their poop as well, but
at least you will know where it is.
Ultrasonic Animal
There are
electronic ways to repel cats as well. Ultrasonic animal
repellents emit high frequency noises that bother small animals
(including cats, rats, deer and bats). These ultrasonic devices
are not meant for those that have pets of their own, but are
very effective at repelling cats from your property and keeping
them away.
Cats are proud
creatures, and often deterring them simply involves irritating
them to the point where they want to travel elsewhere. Whether
you use some type of ultrasonic device or a water spray, you do
not want to choose a method that will harm these cats – rather,
you want the felines to simply find a new home elsewhere,
hopefully with someone that will be able and willing to take
care of them.